What’s New at Lucky Dog?


You may have noticed that the website looks different! We've updated it to make it easier to follow, quicker to load, and better suited to fit Lucky Dog as we continue to grow. Along with this update, we're also rolling out some changes to our classes that will go into effect mid-March. Here's what's new:

Puppy Classes

Previously, our Puppy Kindergarten graduates would move into Manners 1 (now Basic Manners.) While this worked well, we noticed that Manners 1 classes would either be full of puppy students and one or two new dogs (who felt behind) or full of new dogs and one or two puppy students (who were bored with repeating the same basics over and over). Instead, we've redone the class structure for puppies! Moving forward, Puppy Kindergarten will be a 4-week class that's designed to be followed by Puppy Grade School. This way, everyone will be at the same level of training when moving forward to Advanced Manners (previously Manners 2). You can learn more about the new puppy classes here.

Manners Classes

Manners classes are mostly unchanged except for the names- Manners 1 is now Basic Manners and Manners 2 is Advanced Manners. We'll continue improving the class agendas as our trainers see fit, but the core courses will stay the same. We've also added an ongoing class called Beyond Manners- this class is for those who have completed Advanced Manners/Manners 2 but aren't ready to be done training. You can learn more about Manners classes here.


Orientation is now required before starting your Basic Manners class! You're in class to learn how to train your dog, not to listen to the dog across the room bark it's head off while the trainer makes sure everyone has the right equipment. By attending orientation before class starts, we can make sure everyone is on the same page and won't have to waste class time managing the little details like how a clicker works, how many/what kind of treats you should have, and everything else you'll need to be prepared for training.

Who will this affect?

These changes will mainly affect new clients- if your class has already started or you've registered as of 3/1/2018, your class will continue as scheduled. Puppy classes beginning after March 12th and any Manners classes with the new names will be updated with these changes.


If you'd like any clarification about what these changes mean for you and your dog, please call or email us! Thanks for your patience as we continue to make Lucky Dog Training Center the best that it can be.